Chirton Grange is embarking on a new adventure. Over the past few years, while chauffeuring people around this beautiful county, we've become quite adept at running tours and our knowledge of the land has improved drastically. We're also building relationships with cruise companies, travel agents and the tourist industry as a whole.
As part of this, we've noticed that a lot of the tours already in existence aren't really geared towards families with teenagers. At all. Young kids have the family days out and zoo's etc. Older kids (18+) can go to the pubs and nightclubs that make up London's excellent nightlife. But what if you're between 12 and 18? There's plenty to do in this country, loads of ways to spend the day, but they just aren't apparent!
That's why, we're looking to work with companies who offer these days and experiences to put together a "family day out". We'll take the kids off to Greenwich to fight Zombies, while Mum and Dad can have a look round the Maritime Museum and have a lovely lunch. Or we could drop Mum and Dad at a civilised restaurant in Southampton from the cruise, then take the kids to paintball for the afternoon.
We remember that in those ages we didn't like anything. It was all very uncool. So was the word uncool... So, let's take the kids off your hands for the day, take them to something they will enjoy and leave the parents to go and have a nose round an art gallery. Kid-free.
So, this is an appeal really, we've got some great ideas and venues in mind, but we need the help of anyone we can to put together some really great days out. So get in contact to or visit or Tweet us @BritishTour.
Thanks for reading!
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